Finding the Notes on the Fretboard

Finding the Notes on the Fretboard Part 3

If you’re like many students, you can manage to find the notes within the first three or four frets, but find the upper registers much more daunting. In Part 3 of ‘Finding the Notes on the Fretboard’ we have a look at how the notes are laid out on the neck, and identify patterns to make the higher frets more manageable.

Finding the Notes on the Fretboard Theory

Finding the Notes on the Fretboard Part 2

In Part 2 we begin applying every thing that we have learned so far to the guitar neck.

Finding the Notes on the Fretboard Theory

Finding the Notes on the Fretboard Part 1

In this post we learn about the musical alphabet and the sharps and flats. This post focuses around the notes on a piano, because it is easiest to visualise what’s being discussed – but you don’t need to understand the piano to make sense of this post. Once you have a basic understanding of the musical alphabet we start applying the notes to the fretboard in Finding the Notes: Part 2‘.